What do you mean I can't suck on my hands?? Watch me!!!

BIG 25!!!! I don't feel like I have hit a quarter-century yet, but it is true. I am posting this from my new birthday present. Zach got me an iPad2 this year for my birthday. We have had it for a week or two now and I love it!!!! I do however have to share with Keller. He is such a tech junkie! He knows how to work it better than I do. He plays games, watches movies on Netflix, reads books (or at least looks at the pictures), and checks NASDAQ. :)
I woke up this morning with a new "blogpress app" on my iPad. Hopefully this will make it a bit easier to blog on-time! Here are a few pics from the unveiling of the ipad2.
Posted by Jordann at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Posted by Zach and Jordy at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Posted by Zach and Jordy at 12:18 PM 2 comments
As I said in the previous post...Keller is potty training and doing a really good job. I hesitate to say "potty trained" because I know I will jinx it!!He gets chocolate after he poops in the toilet. We had to change it to only poops because he pees like 15 times a day and always had a sugar buzz going!
Posted by Zach and Jordy at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Keller's been eating a lot of these this past month!!! He has been potty training... and he loves peanut butter cups. This all came about in mid-April when my mom was visiting us for a few weeks. I left to go to work for a few hours and my mom watched the boys. I forgot to remind her to change Keller's diaper while I was gone and I guess when you get to "grandparent age" you just don't think about changing diapers. Well, I got home and Keller was in his booster chair eating a snack. I picked him up to hug him and his pants were dripping with urine!! I took his pants and diaper off and he loved running around naked so much that I didn't have the heart to put a diaper back on him. About 10 minutes later he said "mommy Keller's peeing." I panicked and whisked him away to the toilet. So long story short... I don't have to buy diapers anymore. I was really hesitant at first because he just barely turned two!!! But there was no turning back once he got those Batman undies on. He gets to pick out a fun new pair every day and he loves it! It hasn't all been fun and games... many, many accidents and i'm sure many more to come. Their little bladders just can't hold very much sometimes. But he is smart enough and has the desire to go on the potty (at least when he isn't busy playing with a really cool toy), so I figured that I should be ready too.
Posted by Zach and Jordy at 10:20 AM 0 comments