
To Do List (AKA TDL)

1. pack a weeks worth of clothes for Zach and I

2. paint toe nails
3. throw in finger nails while I'm at it
4. shave legs
5. clean the apartment
6. to the grocery store to stock up for Keller and Grandma
7. stop by the bank to make sure we have enough money for this oh-so-exciting adventure
8. re-type the super detailed list of Keller's "normal day" for Grandma that I some how lost on our computer (is that a sign that I am a little too OCD?)

but the most important item of business...
9. hug and kiss Keller as much as he'll let me, because I am starting to realize how much I'm gonna miss him

We leave Wednesday morning and I don't feel ready, but I'll get there!