
catch up...

I know, I know... I am really bad. We have been so busy with the end of the semester, family visiting, and work, that I have totally neglected our blog. When I realized how long it had been since I last posted, I was too overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. So here is a re-cap of the last little while.

Keller's 1st birthday: it was a pirate theme with tattoos and eye patches, but since the only thing that Keller LOVES is my cell phone that's exactly what he got...

"Heeeeeeeeeeey, I'm 1"

Later that night after all the sugar, he realized what he had done.

Keller has become so active. He loves being outside. One afternoon he kept himself busy trying to get the mail for me. He must have seen me do it a few times and so he started begging for the keys. The next thing I know he is down the sidewalk towards the mailbox. Only a few more inches to grow!!

Oblivious to the world

"Hey mom, I think this is the wrong key."

By the way, Keller LOVES his Elmo slippers...

And his new summer hat...

Check out those molars!!


Unknown said...

OMG Keller is the cutest little boy ever! If only everyone could really see how tiny he is, these pictures make him seem bigger! Which makes it all the more cuter watching all the things he can do!
I can't wait til May 18th! Grammie is coming!
Hugs and tons of kisses to you all!